+3 votes
Samsung Galaxy S5 DBT receives firmware update to improve performance

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

The Samsung Galaxy S5 has received a firmware update from version "BOD3" on "BOE5" in recent days. The approximately 300 MB large firmware update helps improve the performance of the Samsung Galaxy S5. What exactly has been improved in the firmware, can not as yet say. However, the major version number stays with the update in 5.0.1.

Should you no recently viewed new Fimrware on your Samsung Galaxy S5, please proceeds as follows:

Menu -> Settings -> Device Information -> Software Update -> Update Now

Then look for your Samsung Galaxy S5 for a new firmware. If this is found, the Update Wizard, which then guides you through the process of firmware update starts.

What changes could you find it in this update? Tells us know in the comments. Thank you!

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