+4 votes
by (40.6k points)
Sony Xperia Z1 Android Lollipop receives firmware update

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

Who is the owner of a Sony Xperia Z1, can look forward for a few days on the new Android lollipop. The new firmware has now provided by Sony for download. Thus the Sony Xperia Z1 is finally equipped with the new material design and also use the Dalvik runtime as a standard. This should your Sony Xperia Z1 gain in performance.

Should you not have received on your Sony Xperia Z1 New Android Lollipop firmware available, then you can search for it manually as follows:

Navigate to from your home screen: Menu -> Settings -> About phone -> Software Update -> System Updates

Your Sony Xperia Z1 will then search for newer versions and should then begin the new Android Lollipop OTA downzuloaden. We empfehelen you that the battery is charged to at least 60%, and you downloaded the update via Wi-Fi. After the download then starts the installation wizard.

We wish you much fun with lollipop on the Android Sony Xperia Z1.

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