+4 votes
by (40.6k points)
Samsung Galaxy S4 receives firmware update to OH2

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

Who has not noticed it yet: The Samsung Galaxy S4 has received a new firmware update to version Android 5.0.1 build number OH2. The firmware update has a size of 428 MB and should bring the following improvements for your Smartphone:

Stability improvements
Smart Manager is installed
Better overview of your battery usage possible
Especially in view of the recently discovered vulnerability Stagefright, the update should be installed as soon as possible. Should you get not offered this update in your Samsung Galaxy S4, then looking over the settings manually afterwards. Is this as follows:

1. Opens to the home screen from the menu, then Settings.

2. From here, we go from here to the Options tab -> "Device Information" -> Software Update -> Update Now.

3. Your Samsung Galaxy S4 is now looking at the Samsung servers for a new Firmware OTA update. If this is available, then the wizard will start to download. If not appear on the screen: "The latest updates are already installed"

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