+3 votes

[solution] error loading operating system

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

This post so ago because when I nesesite help found nothing ke did not even know I had and it was frustrating because I could not install Windows XP on my computer it is a asrock 775VM800 with ati x1650 intel four dual card 2.67 2.66 .. good point is that I could not always install ran into this error only thing that stopped me was to install acer windows 7 home basic or ultimate and even then I thought of trying to partition the drive into equal parts and have 2 so ago and when I turn to run into the same .... and that's when I realized I install windows 7 first and then installing xp xp decomposed ... I decided to install Windows 7 first then xp and worked like magic and only term di earlier and appeared xp and ready just that was what i tube do I leave this to ke to see if it serves otherwise there console repair windows 7 and xp that also helps the only thing is to enter wing console repair. . preinstalled Windows

1. insert the XP disk you used to install
2. when there is an option to install asks you want to do a fresh install and I think that says pressures to repair the key r
3. A window will appear in command prompt or MS-DOS and asks that they oppress Windows partition is the partition number by omission is the number one give enter.
4. you aprece something like this C: windows> or C:> there write FIXBOOT, das enter tells you it's going to fix the boot you say that if, when finished writing FIXMBR and tells you to fix the boot sector of the disk hard you say so.
5. reboot and see if it comes.

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