+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

View Full Version: Android 5.0 ROM for XT1068 Lollipop 

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)
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It is not official but an adaptation of the XT1064 / 63.

- Be open bootloader.
- What it does is flash the ROM without the modem American to be compatible OTA Lollipop, and our modem.

Instructions (Byevilnen)

1) Flashing RETUAWS_XT1064_4.4.4_KXB21.85-17_cid9_CFC (American firmware XT1064) From Here (http://motofirmware.com/files/download/948-retuaws-xt1064-444-kxb2185-17-cid9-cfcxmlzip/)

2. Download the tool here compi Alkalinorap http://wikiwhy.net/210/official-firmwares-flasher-motorola-interactive-automatic

2. Before flashearla with the tool, delete the fsg.mbn file, and follow the steps in the script. Explanation: If you booteas mobile with American KitKat, you have no phone, but do not worry, to flash the .zip Lollipop you recover.

3) Make root and install custom recovery (CWM, TWRP, etc ...) http://wikiwhy.net/212/officially-unlock-bootloader-recovery-scripts-automatic
4) Download and install from the custom recovery this: UPDATE DOWNLOAD LOLLIPOP (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8jMeq6tswdiNFNhS09Fa3NtLXM/edit)

5) Wipe cache / data.



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