+5 votes
by (40.6k points)
com.android.phone was terminated - Android

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

The error message "com.android.phone was terminated" may appear on any Android smartphone. These are namely a system component of Android. If the Fehlermedlung com.android.phone was terminated appears you can usually no longer proceed with the action, with which one has just begun. The error message can appear anywhere. Some examples:

Change your ring tone
Calling a contact
Open the Call Log
and much more.
The error message "com.android.phone was terminated" can have many causes. We would therefore like to give you here different tips that can lead to a successful remedy this error message.

Wipe cache partition 1. Perform

How to perform a wipe cache, which we explain to you here: Wipe Cache Partition

2. Clear the cache of "phone app"

Opens to the home screen from the menu, then Settings. Navigate here on "Applications" -> Application Manager -> tab "All". Search there after the app "phone" and opens it. Typing in that opens App Information on "Empty Cache". Finished!

3. Delete Cached data

By deleting the cached data of your Android smartphone files can be deleted, which may lead to the above mentioned error. You can delete the cached data by clicking on Menu -> Settings -> Storage typed and there select the appropriate entry. More information about the cached data can be found here.

4. Enable / disable Airplane mode

Turns your smartphone in airplane mode to finish all the connections. Activated Airplane Mode on again. This can be the problem with "com.android.phone was terminated" fix.

5. Reset to factory settings

The last option is always the reset to factory settings. But this option we really empfehelen as a last consequence, since it is connected with a lot of effort. As you can reset your smartphone to factory settings, which we explain here.

We hope that one of our 5 tips helped you the problem "com.android.phone was terminated" to fix on your smartphone with Android.

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