+3 votes
by (40.6k points)
Solve problems forced closing errors in Android

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

  • Make sure that:

Your phone has the latest software. If you upgraded the software, try it and check if the problem persists.
You can connect to a Wi-Fi network.
You do not have third-party toolbars, energy saving applications or applications that close programs. If you have these applications, desinstálalas.
Your Gmail account is configured on your computer and configuration synchronization is enabled.

  • Turn off your computer.
  • Wait 5 seconds and turn on the computer.
  • Retry. Continue troubleshooting if you still have drawbacks.
  • Connect to Wi-Fi and checks for updates of applications. If updates are available, you update them and recheck the problem. Continue troubleshooting if you still have drawbacks.
  • Clear your cache and data application.
  • Retry. Continue troubleshooting if you still have drawbacks.
  • If this problem occurs with a specific application:
Uninstall the application.
Turn off your computer.
Wait 5 seconds and turn on the computer.
Download and install the application.
Recheck the problem. If you continue and happens with a specific application, contact the application developer for assistance
  • Clear cache partition to clear system memory.
  • Retry. Continue troubleshooting if you still have drawbacks.

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