+4 votes
by (40.6k points)
Samsung Galaxy S6 - How activate silent mode? Solved!

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

If you are new to the field and you now a smartphone Samsung Galaxy S6 have done, then it may be that you do not even cope place within the Android system like this. So it can be quite difficult, for example, then, easy to activate only the silent mode of the Samsung Galaxy S6. Should you the setting for the Silent mode is not available on your smartphone Anheib, then you should this article help:

 To the Silent Mode is enabled on the Samsung Galaxy S6:

option 1

Does the status bar at the top of the screen. Causes a swipe from the top of the screen to display from mid back. So you see the notification bar and the accompanying Quick Start toggles. Typing here now on the icon with the speaker. This then turns to "vibrate". Typing again activated on the icon and you have the silent mode of the Samsung Galaxy S6.

 option 2
Opens on your Samsung Galaxy S6: Menu -> Settings -> Sound & Alerts -> Sound Mode Selects the drop-down menu "Silent". You now know two ways to activate the silent mode of your Samsung Galaxy S6 smartphones.

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