+5 votes
by (3.1k points)

You link to share several Facebook groups?   Tired of wasting time to copy / paste a message on all groups to which you are registered?

In this article we will see how to publish on multiple Facebook groups automatically without having to do it manually, group after group. This is useful to promote a product in a Facebook group, a website or just share an article that particularly touched you with maximum hearing.

The trick is to use the Send button on Facebook, you end up going to this link. This button allows you to share content to dozens of recipients and group in seconds.



Once you have accessed the page button "Send", copy the link (a Facebook page, your website, etc) on the "URL to send" field and press Enter.


Normally you thumbnail and meta-description of the link. This is what is shared. On the "Recipient" you put the recipients: groups or you are registered. 
Just type the first few letters of the name of a group and you will see the suggestions. You can add as many recipients as you want. Once the list of recipients completed, click "send". That's it.

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (3.1k points)

How to Post on all Facebook groups in less than a minute

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