+3 votes
How to recover files, photos or videos deleted on Android?

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

Hi all!

Surely this is an issue that brings you a lot of headache. Who has not accidentally deleted photos or videos fond inadvertently? Do not panic, there are ways to recover.

If you're not ROOT

The first thing to do is to connect the phone memory (internal or external) as a Mass Storage Device on your computer, that is, as if it were a USB. Although it can be done by connecting the terminal directly, it is right PLS adapter Micro SD memory (or the card you use your mobile phone) to SD or USB. I recommend them because not all Android phones manage memory in the same way, and secondly the recovery rate may be severely affected.

Then download Recuva (you can be the free version), which is a program to recover files. You can try another program, but Recuva is the most recommended for this type of action.

Typically, for most of these programs work, the memory must be formatted as FAT32, NTFS or similar. If you do not recognize, you can do a quick format (first trying out important data) to FAT32 and then follow the process.

When you run Recuva first thing you need to do is select the type of file you want to recover: Pictures, Videos, Music, Documents, etc. the option to recover from a specific location and the letter in which the memory cell from which you want to retrieve the files is then chosen.

Important: When you finish Recuva find deleted files and recover and go, try to do it on a different device from which you are recovering the as can sometimes cause conflicts and damage recovery. So if you're recovering from Mobile, record them on the hard disk of the PC.

If you have ROOT

Undelete download from the Market.
The application is very simple. The first is to select the storage device to which you want to retrieve your data. (Since it can be internal or external memory). Then you select the second option, which is to scan the selected device.
The process will take between 2 and 10 minutes, depending on memory size and the amount of stored data. When finished it will present the data to be retrieved in several tabs: Files, Pictures, Music, Videos, Documents and Archives. Data return to their place of origin, where they were before they were deleted.
This option can be partially run (due to a disorder that had with the memory cell). On the other hand, no root users can not apply to this next option.

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