Statisticians and researchers use the Pearson correlation coefficient, represented by the "r" symbol, to measure the correlation between two variables. The values of "r" can range from "-1" to "1"; closer to zero indicate a lower degree of linear dependence between the variables, while the sign of "r" indicates whether an increase in one variable corresponds to an increase or decrease in the other variable. You can calculate the correlation between the variables in Microsoft Excel by PEARSON function. Instructions
Run the Microsoft Excel application and open the spreadsheet that contains the two sets of data you want to find the correlation.
Determining the cell addresses of the two data sets. If the data are in the first 10 cells in columns A and B, then the addresses of the two matrices is "A1: A10" and "B1. B10" His two arrays must contain the same number of elements in order calculating a correlation coefficient Pearson product moment.
click a cell to be used for calculating the correlation between arrays
enter the following formula in the cell.
= PEARSON (Array1, Matrix2)
Cell addresses replace the two sets, rather than "Array1" y ". Array2" In the example used above, the formula is:
= PEARSON (A1: A10, B1: B10)
Press "Enter" to perform the calculation. Coefficient Pearson product moment cell shown in