+5 votes
by (40.6k points)
"Error retrieving information from server ([RPC: S-5: AEC-O])"

2 Answers

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

Good Morning

To complete the message Damswalker and after consulting several forums, I have done the following actions to resolve the issue with the message
"Error retrieving information from server ([RPC: S-5: AEC-O])"

1- delete google account. Noted login information and pwd to be able to reconfigure after. To remove parameters go, accounts, select and delete the Google account. Then he must add a new google account to reconfigure.

2- Reset Settings: In Settings -> Application Manager -> then on your "menu" Phone "button" (I have a Samsung Galaxy S3 and it is the touch button on the bottom left) then to "reset preferences"

3- Then go (still in the application manager) on the application "Google Services Framework". Clear data and force stop
(Do not worry about the warning, this has no impact on your accounts or other.)

4 - Then go (still in the application manager) on the "google play" application then "clear cache" and "force stop" (Do not worry about the warning, it does no impact on your accounts or other.)

That's if it can help people experiencing this problem.

+4 votes

1. Settings \ Applications \ All: For the Google Play Store, Google Services Framework and Services Google Play, do: stop, delete data, delete the update.

2. Settings \ Accounts \ Google account to sync settings, remove all ticks.

3. Restart the device.

4. Immediately after reboot, Settings \ Accounts \ Google and put a tick back (when a timing error is not paying attention).

5. Restart the device.

6. Use.

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