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by (40.6k points)
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Remove plastic wrap from Samsung Galaxy S6 camera lens - Resolved

should i remove the plastic around s6 camera

how do i protect camera lens on my galaxy 6

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

The Samsung Galaxy S 6 is protected by various films from transport damage on delivery. One of these skins is stuck on the camera lens of the Samsung Galaxy S 6. This protective film for the camera after a while, especially if dust sticks to it, lead to reduced image quality. It is advised to remove the protective film as soon as possible, because you bring more disadvantages than advantages in everyday life.
The protective film is very good aufgekelbt on the lens of the Samsung Galaxy S6 camera, so it is not easy to replace them.

Since the lens of the camera from Samsung Galaxy S6 is a sensitive component, one should be very careful when peeling off the protective film, especially when you'd use sharp objects to it. So that you can remove the foil is glued onto the lens without problems and without damage, we have prepared yourselves here's a little guide on this subject.

Removal instructions for the film on the lens of the Samsung Galaxy S6 Camera:

Your requiring only a little light, a toothpaste tube of plastic and a steady hand. Ye shall be determined wonder why you need the toothpaste tube. The answer you read the same.

Sets the Samsung Galaxy S6 with the display on a soft but still stable surface, such as a newspaper, so that the display can not be scratched. Now take the toothpaste tube and rotate it around so that the quasi-pressed flat end to remove the foil can be used. This is also the reason why you should use a toothpaste tube. The plastic tube is at the end of the very flat, but can not cause any damage, as is the case for example with a needle.

As you can see in the picture above, you now have to be careful with the edge of the foil to lift. This usually works after a few tries very good and you can lift and remove the film from the camera lens of the Samsung Galaxy S 6.

We hope that you were able to replace with this manual without the problems the film from the camera lens of Samsung Galaxy S6 and remove.

How i removed the film off my s6  camera is to take a piece if stick tape. Place the tape on top and then peel the tape off. The films came right of. Dont pull the tape up. Just peel off at a low agle.
I used a piece of sticky tape. Try regular scotch tape. I had some thin carpet tape so ibused that.

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