+5 votes
by (40.6k points)
Remove Samsung Galaxy S5 Facebook birthdays from calendar

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

If you are using on your Samsung Galaxy S5 the Facebook app, then it can happen suddenly, that all birthdays of your Facebook friends in the Calendar app S Planner are displayed. If you have several hundred friends on Facebook and they are all displayed in the Calendar app, this is annoying sometimes. We'll show you why, how on the Samsung Galaxy S5 Birthdays synced over the Facebook app, can remove. In addition we show you how to completely disable this automatic synchronization between Calendar and Facebook app.

For this please as follows going on:

1. Disables the synchronization of birthdays from Facebook app

Opens to first on the Samsung Galaxy S5 the Facebook app and within this menu (icon with the three horizontal bars). Scroll down to the section "Help & Settings" and type in there on "App Settings". In this sub-menu all the way down "sync contacts" Scroll down to the section "Other Settings" and then on. Now taps the entry "synchronize Nothing" and then to take over the top right of "Done" to change the setting for the Facebook app.

Facebook will now synchronize any more contacts in the calendar. This is important because otherwise if you delete the Facebook birthdays, these are synchronized automatically.

2. Delete Facebook birthdays from the Android Calendar

Opens to the App S Planner Calendar on your Samsung Galaxy S5 and types within these top right corner of the three-point symbol. Tap on "Calendar" and removed here at "Facebook" the hook in the checkbox.

You can now close the app again and reboot your Samsung Galaxy S5. After rebooting you no more birthdays from Facebook in the Calendar app S Planner are displayed.

You know now how to turn off on the Samsung Galaxy S5 synchronize the Facebook birthdays and this can be hide in the Calendar app S Planner.

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