+3 votes
by (40.6k points)
iPhone 6 disable sound when locking - Resolved

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

Always whom your iPhone Lock 6 using the Power On / Off button, you will hear a sound that announces you to activate the lock screen. Unlocked and you lock very often the iPhone 6, then this lock-tone with time nerven.Spätestens then one would like to disable this sound when locking the iPhone 6. If you do not know how this works in iOS, then we would like to explain this in our article here.

To do this, navigate to the following submenu your iPhone 6:

From the home screen of the iPhone 6, you go to: Settings -> Sounds

Scroll all the way down in this submenu. Here you will find the option "sound when locking". Disable the option by the controller.

When you activate the iPhone 6 the lockscreen using the Power On / Off button, you will hear no sound.

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