+5 votes
by (40.6k points)
iPhone 6 LED flashes when a call or text input - solution

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

If you get on your iPhone 6 a new call or a new SMS message and you notice that your photo LEd flashes, then you have the option "LED flash when instructions" enabled. Place this option in iOS to help them get new notifications quickly identified by the flash light, especially when the sound is turned off or you have impairments in hearing. However, one needs in most cases this LED does not flash alert, which is why we show you how you can disable it on the iPhone 6. Proceed as FLGT ago in iOS:

Open the settings and then: General -> Accessibility -> Section "listening"

You will now see the option "LED flash when instructions". Slices of the controller to "Off" to turn this option on your iPhone 6 off.

You will not receive any flash notification by the Photo light on your iPhone 6 now.

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