+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

If you possess an iPhone 6, then it can happen to you, unfortunately, that the following phenomenon occurs suddenly and unexpectedly: The iPhone 6 goes out suddenly and can no longer be started. You think now determined first:

"Hopefully my iPhone 6 is not broken!". In general, the smartphone of course is not defective, but an error in the iOS software leads to the sudden crash of smartphones. However, it may also be that of the iPhone 6 battery is no longer so strong and the mind gives up briefly during operation, for example, a high-resolution car racing game.

Anyway. We tell you now, w ith your your iPhone 6 can still start again after the above event has occurred: Start the iPhone 6 again if this is not boot normal: do so you need the following buttons for about 10 seconds, simultaneously press and hold:

Home button
Power On / Off button for about
10 seconds, the iPhone should be 6 start again.

You can then release the key combination. We recommend you the iPhone 6 to let first rest after booting, so to start a game. In addition, it makes sense to connect the smartphone to the charger. If this error frequently occurs when your iPhone 6, then we empfhelen you visit an Apple Retail Store and to portray s case.

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