+4 votes
by (40.6k points)
Logout WhatsApp could with the next version

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

WhatsApp has been renovated. After incorporating calls to the application, WhatsApp guys are working to improve the courier most used. The new role in the company that could work is the option to log out, certainly we take a utility that many missing.

The next version of WhatsApp could include Logout function to avoid the application to continue running in the background, a useful feature that would allow us to completely close the application to not receive messages or reduce spending avoiding battery running in the background.

Can you have activated data and not receive notifications WhatsApp?

Surely you've ever seen in the situation of not wanting to receive messages from WhatsApp but want to continue using the terminal as usual, today, the only way not to receive notifications without having to disable Internet connection our terminal is via a "trick" is to force stop the application from the Applications section Settings section receiving messages once reopened the application.

It is still not certain that this new feature is available in the next update

This new feature that could implement the courier has been known through the translation center for WhastApp, but has not specified whether it is for the version of Android, for iOS or WhatsApp Web, because the latter WhatsApp Web version could come as a separate service known as WhatsApp WhastApp Cloud, because until now when we use WhatsApp Web, what we do in the application from the PC, it also happens in the application on your terminal, so We can consider it as a simple duplication of application screen of our terminal. With WhatsApp Cloud we can log in directly to the service from your computer, without having the operating terminal. From here comes the logic of incorporating the log function on your terminal.

It should also be noted that the entries in the translation center for Whatsapp through which it has learned this new potential role, are Related with the work done by developers and Whatsapp has not yet given about this at the moment, so we'll have to wait and see if this is really true.

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