+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

Set Samsung Galaxy S6 Display Timeout

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

If you liked the display of Samsung Galaxy S6 is not lit long enough after you touch the screen the last time, then you have to set the so-called display timeout within the Android settings. The Timeout screen allows you to determine how long the Samsung Galaxy S6 screen is illuminated. Standardmäig is the duration of illumination of the display 30 seconds. If you enjoyed this value is too short or too long, then you can change the time-out screen as follows.

Open the Home Screen from the menu, then Settings. Select the button "Display". You can directly see the "Screen Timeout" option then the next submenu. When you tap it, a window with the following options for the illumination duration appears:

15 seconds
30 seconds
1 minutes
2 minutes
5 minutes
10 minutes
Can be set to illuminate the display of the Samsung Galaxy S6 continuously by means of the screen timeouts not. This works only with the trick "Stay awake".

Now select a time periods that you feel comfortable on. Then the display of the Samsung Galaxy S6 will be disabled after this time and the lock screen enabled.

So now you know where you can find dei setting for the lighting duration of the display on the Samsung Galaxy S6.

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