+4 votes
by (40.6k points)
Samsung Galaxy S5 delete homescreen - Resolved

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

Samsung Galaxy S5 new Home screens, then it may have happened to you that you have created a too much. Surely you're wondering now how to delete an existing homescreen back under Android. Now we show you in this article the approach to on the Samsung Galaxy S5 delete a homescreen.

For this purpose open the menu for editing the Homescreens. Causes either the zoom-out by finger movement or suppressed once long on the left soft key of your Samsung Galaxy S5. Your home screens are now reduced and you can this now as follows Delete:

Take the empty homescreen by your long with your finger presses and lifts off this. Now pushes it up in the trash can icon. If your fingertip is on the trash can icon, and let go your home screen is cleared. That's it. Is followed with all homescreens that want to remove your on your Samsung Galaxy S5.

You know now, how can remove or delete a home screen on Android on the Samsung Galaxy S5.

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