+5 votes
by (40.6k points)
Why should be updated Android for smartphones?

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

Android is one of the most popular operating systems for smartphones. A specialty of operating systems such as Android or iOS is that this so-called received at irregular intervals firmware updates. These firmware updates can be downloaded to your phone using either an active Wi-Fi connection or through the computer. Every one of you who has ever upgraded a firmware update for Android on the smartphone knows that this update may cause problems.

This can cause erroneous functions in Android via rapid battery consumption to a total loss of smartphones, because it no longer can boot. With a factory reset can be in most cases fix anything, but you risk losing data if you have previously carried out no ordinary backup.

Through the above problems is certainly for one or the other question:

Why update Android on his smartphone ever with a new firmware?

We want you to list below a few key reasons why it Meit still useful is a firmware update druchzuführen on your smartphone:

Firmware Updates for Android close security loopholes in the system that can be used by malicious software may to auszlesen data on your smartphone.
By updating new features are provided. This includes new apps or camera functions, as well as interfaces to support accessories such as Smart Watches.
Most better performance of the complete system is an update of Android reached and also reduces battery consumption. This is achieved through a more streamlined programming, the less stress the processor of smart phones.
Improved User Interface, which should make it easier to Naviagtion. This is debatable, however, whether the improvements are really a relief in everyday use.
These are the main arguments for Android update. But you have to remember that you always Solte perform a factory reset after a Android update was performed. This causes extra work and must be provided with the above-mentioned advantages in comparison.

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