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by (40.6k points)

Why Samsung Galaxy S5 Google Maps Version 8 unavailable. ?

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

in the media can be read at present that the new Google Maps version for Android smartphones 8, including of course the Samsung Galaxy S5 has been released. These Google Maps version brings a lane Assis Stenten with them, and a list of stored offline maps. Now it may be that you do not yet have this feature on your Samsung Galaxy S5 and determines during an inspection in Google Play Store, that there is no newer version to download.

You now provides you determined the question of why the new Google Maps is not available for your Samsung Galaxy S5 available. We want you to explain why short, which is the background for it.

The new Google Maps version 8 is currently already distributed on Android smartphones, but unfortunately in several roll-out phases. This means that first other countries to be supplied with the new Google Maps update. When Germany's turn you can not say, but should take less than a week usually.

Cause of this type of roll-outs, the limited capacity of the download servers of Google Play Store. All countries and all Android smartphones would receive the world at the same time the update of the new Google Maps, the server would collapse under the weight.

We hope that you get offered as soon as possible as a download on your Samsung Galaxy S5, the new Google Maps.

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