+4 votes
Google Maps  Edit  "home" address - solution

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

In Google Maps on your phone, you can fetslegen an address that corresponds to your home. So you can much faster route calculation, as it gives you nu "home" to enter. Google Maps will automatically assumes the address of your place of residence. For this to work, however, well, you must specify your "home" address first. This works very simply as follows:
 1. Opens on your smartphone, the app "Google Maps"
 2. Typing the top left of the three-bar icon to display the menu. Select here "Settings".
3. In the next submenu can be found at the top of the entry "Edit address". Tap on the menu item.
 4. You can now "Edit home address" store your address which should be used if "home" is typed finished by! Immediately is transferred to Google Maps when entering "home" your address.

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