+5 votes
by (40.6k points)
Google Maps Navigation - no voice on Bluetooth FSE

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

If you navigate to your Android Smartphone and Google Maps in your car, then you want to certainly also that the voice output of the navigation is output via the Bluetooth Freisprecheintichtung the car. If this is not the case in your vehicle, then you should definitely check if the following setting is set to your Android Smartphoen in the Google Maps app:

Voice output via Bluetooth
We will show you now where you will find this option and how to activate them if this is set to "inactive".

Open to on the Android smartphone the Google Maps app and then in these settings. By tapping the top right of the symbol with the three bars and then on "Settings". We continue to "Navigation Settings.

In this sub-menu of Google Maps you can now see the "Voice output via Bluetooth" option. Check if the box is checked in the checkbox. If not, then you do that now. Then the voice of Google Maps should work on your car Bluetooth handsfree.

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