+4 votes
by (40.6k points)
Set Samsung Galaxy S5 Google Home

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (40.6k points)

You can use on the Samsung Galaxy S5 different browsers, in order to surf the Internet. Mostly, however, you use either the pre-installed Android browser or Google Chrome browser from the Play Store Market. For both of these browsers, we would like now to explain how you can set the page when you open a new tab.
  Android Browser:
  Open the Android Browser
  on your Samsung Galaxy S5 and then within this the settings by tapping the top of the three points and then select Settings. If you are in the android browser settings, then you will see in the second place the entry "Start Page". Tap on this and you can define your own home. You can choose from here:

  • default Page
  • Quick access
  • Current
  • Frequently visited page
  • Websites Other website (manually enter the address)
Chrome browser:

Open the Chrome browser on the Samsung Galaxy S5 and then tap the top right of the symbol with the three points.
From the opening menu "Settings". You can now find an entry with "Home". Tap on this and you can manually specify an Internet address as Home. Finished! You know now how you can on the Samsung Galaxy S5 both the Android browser and the Chrome browser change the home page.

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