+5 votes
by (40.6k points)
Android Chrome Browser Set Home - Resolved

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

If you have installed on your Android phone the Google Chrome browser as an app, then you want this might suit your needs and define the Home. In this article we tell you how you can on your Android phone to change the start page of the Google Chrome browser. This works as follows:

1. Open First, the app "Google Chrome Browser"
2. Tap the three points at the top of the right. This will display a pop-up menu. Select this "Preferences"
 3. Scroll down a bit until you can see "Home" in the sub-menu of settings. Tap on the entry.
 4. You can now specify a home page for the Google Chrome browser manually.
 5. Tap on "Save" and the home is taken over in the browser Google Chrome. You now know how to set the home page of the Google Chrome browser on an Android smartphone.

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