+3 votes
by (40.6k points)
Shazam can now identify books, magazines and more to use your cell phone camera

2 Answers

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

Shazam, the application has become the # 1 choice to identify listening music with only analyze a portion of your audio, has gone through several evolutions adding more capabilities discovery. In the same way the application scans listening music, Shazam can identify the television watching or take the product of commercial television they are giving. Shazam now takes an additional step, with the ability to identify books, magazines and various products of "retail".

Instead of using the microphone, you can now use your cell phone camera to identify these products. Place the cover of a magazine, a book or even a Blu-ray front of the lens and Shazam seeks more details on this and links to where to buy. Other products can be identified if they incorporate a QR Code code or a unique icon Shazam (although this icon has been incorporated into a few products so far).

This new version will be available for users of Android and iOS (sorry Windows users Phone) available today.

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