+5 votes
by (40.6k points)
How to update the VGA BIOS

2 Answers

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

A VGA BIOS (ATI) is a part of the video card that contains simple instructions for the hardware. BIOS update corrects errors and, for some users, improves the performance of the video card. VGA BIOS update on a video card is a delicate procedure. It must be done carefully, or you can have the video card unusable. Things You'll Need
blank diskette
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Download the file from the flash utility NVidia. This is the executable that actually flashing the BIOS. Save this file to a location on your hard disk.

Insert the disk in the drive and open a DOS window. Type "format a: / s" at the DOS prompt. This creates a boot disk that is required to update the BIOS. Copy the file in step 1 on the diskette.

Download the flash MVKTech.net file (see Resources). This file must match the version of the NVidia card, so make sure you download the file marked with the version of the video card. Once you downloaded the file, copy it to the disk that has been formatted in step 2.

backup previous BIOS settings. This is beneficial if the upgrade process fails. The backup file is copied, so that any faults can be set to return to the previous setting. To back up the current BIOS, type "nvflash.exe backup.rom -b" at the DOS prompt.

Keep the floppy disk in the drive and restart the computer. This starts the computer and boot to DOS. The flash video card from the DOS prompt. Type "nvflash -p -u -f" with the name of the BIOS file downloaded in step 3.

Wait a few minutes while the flash process ends. Make sure the computer does not turn off while the BIOS is flashed, or you can have the hardware fails. Once finished, remove the floppy disk and restart the computer.

+3 votes

Then extract and attempt to run the updater, which will fail, but place a file named BIOS.

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