+5 votes
by (40.6k points)
How to update the BIOS of a computer

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

How to update the BIOS of a computer

The BIOS (Basic Input / Output System) is a chip on the motherboard that Windows starts the computer and allows you to communicate with the hardware. Although the risk of doing so is considerable, you may need to update the BIOS of the computer to work with the new hardware, or in some cases, for 2000 - compliance. Things You'll Need
BIOS chips
Show instructions
Check your computer or motherboard manual for any information about updating the BIOS.

Restart your computer and enter the setup screen. Check your computer or motherboard manual for information on how to do this.

Press the Print Screen key to make a record of each configuration page.

See the manufacturer and model of your current BIOS. Review the information that the computer starts, or find information on the configuration screen printed. If none of these methods work, check the BIOS chip for identifying information.

Visit the manufacturer's website to see if the BIOS can be "flash" upgraded. If so, download the utility. If not, proceed to Step 8.

Copy the program on a floppy disk.

Follow the manufacturer's instructions for operating the program. Go to Step 10.

Contact the manufacturer of the BIOS chip to find out if an updated chip is available, and if that chip will fit into the same slot on the motherboard.


Obtain and install a new BIOS chip, if available. Search the Internet for installation instructions.

Restart your computer and access the setup screen. Change the settings to their previous values ​​if necessary or desired.

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