+5 votes
by (40.6k points)
Enable Samsung Galaxy S5 developer options again

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

With the developer options on the Samsung Galaxy S5 can be used a number of settings such as the USB debugging. Many of the available settings there for the Samsung Galaxy S5 are unfortunately only suitable for developers. Therefore, it is very likely that the options for many of you do not make sense.

 You might want to question the developer options again disable or hide in the settings.

 Should you are doing this, then we need you here now disappoint, because the developer options, once unlocked, on the Samsung Galaxy S5 not again be hidden.

 Only through a factory reset of your Samsung Galaxy S5, it is possible to make this an extra menu item will disappear in the settings of the Android operating system.

 You know now that it is not possible on the Samsung Galaxy S5 developers options hide settings in the Android.

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