+3 votes
by (40.6k points)
How to change the boot animation of your Android?

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (40.6k points)

We all know that the mobile operating system from Google gives us a high level of customization. Unlike the closest competitor system, the user can change the launcher, the icons, the theme ... and even the boot image.

For those who have a device with root privileges and want to change the boot animation just install the Boot Animations.


As the name suggests, the Boot Animations is an application to change the boot animation. Usually in this space, shows the logo of the manufacturer or simply the logo of Android. Boot Animations allows a simple and quick way to proceed to change that image.


How to change the boot animation of your Android?

To change the boot logo from your Android just run the Boot Animations then select Server and in there choose one of the available animations. Simply select and then choose the Install option.


Once installed, simply reboot your device and check your new animation on startup. Also note that the boot animation may change whenever the user restarts the device, since the application provides a function for random school.

liceince : Freeware
Sistem: Android
Download: Boot Animations

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