+5 votes
by (40.6k points)
Solve WhatsApp connectivity problems in Windows Phone 8

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (40.6k points)

Error connectivity whatsapp

As I said, the message has generated much controversy because sometimes we do not know whether to warn or not to warn the user. In previous versions, if the problem was simply not receiving messages and go. If you had not sent anyone, because neither you realized. But now, if there is a problem, yes alerts you and tells you that if you close the application, have in mind that you will not be notified of new messages. What is better? because we believe the latter, as we have a simple method that solves most of these problems and have tried for weeks always running (at least in my case).


When we receive the message while trying to leave WhatsApp, give the home key of Windows Phone.

  • We go to settings and then to airplane mode.
  • Activate airplane mode, and wait a few seconds.
  • We deactivate airplane mode and return to wait a few seconds for the phone to reconnect to the mobile network and / or Wi-Fi.
  • We return to the application of WhatsApp and check how far to give back to close, the message does not appear.

No guarantee to solve all problems, but I can assure you that in my case, it has always left the message, I solved this way, and without restarting the phone. 

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